Idit Elia Nathan— Draw Me a Home
13 July - 16 August 2020
You can find the digital exhibtion archived here. Draw Me a Home is a new project by interdisciplinary artist Idit Elia Nathan. Based on Luton’s rich history of migration, and the artist’s own family history, it explores ideas of home, belonging, movement and transformation.
Inspired by conversations and encounters across Luton and on social media, Idit is developing new works which respond specifically to the sudden changes imposed by the Coronavirus outbreak. These works will be displayed online here and in the first of a series of artist “takeovers” of the gallery windows from 13 July – 16 August 2020.
Nathan’s long-standing interest in notions of ‘home’ is rooted in the experiences of her own family migrating from one place to another and, like themes of climate change and colonisation, inspires her artistic practice. Often participatory, Idit’s work is playful and draws on her theatrical background, sometimes taking the form of games, photographs or interactive objects.
Draw Me a Home was initially conceived as a gallery-based exhibition and started with a series of pop-up public consultations, before lockdown, which invited conversations and responses to what ‘home’ meant to Lutonians. This process then continued online through a series of provocations and questions on the project’s social media channels as the period of self-isolation raised new questions, memories and understandings of ‘home’ and our familiar environment.
Within the new context of this unprecedented outbreak, the methodology to developing the works has been rerouted and their final presentation reimagined. The artworks that will be presented all offer opportunities for active engagement from one’s own home and include drawings and audio-visual media as well as a sculptural mobile.
‘For years now, I’ve been exploring the subject of ‘home’ and it has been really interesting to take conversations intended for public places online’ says Idit. ‘People have contributed thoughts, feelings and drawings and the responses range from the most intimate and minute details to the larger socio-political aspects of home and what it means to people today. I am excited to create works that respond to the momentous period we’re all going through while retaining an interactive element despite the restrictions and I look forward to seeing how audiences will respond to them both in Luton and online’.
An edited selection of responses and impressions will be hosted on the Draw Me a Home Journal. You can also find a list of the provocations here.
To mark the culmination of this project, Idit was in-conversation via Zoom with curator Natalie Pace at Revoluton Arts’ Creative Café on Wednesday 15 July from 6.30-7.30pm. A recording of the event is available below.
Draw Me a Home is generously funded by Art Council England. It is organised by Departure Lounge, in partnership with The Culture Trust, Luton and with the collaboration of curator Natalie Pace. With special thanks to the support provided by Revoluton Arts, Luton.