Yva Jung— Monday Morning

31 May - 13 July 2019

Opening Event: Thursday 30 May, 6.00pm - 8.00pm
Closing Event: Saturday 13 July, 1.00pm - 3.00pm

Yva Jung is fascinated by planetary rhythms, the cycles of life and death and the stories we generate in life.  Monday Morning, her first UK solo exhibition, brings together photographs, video pieces and sculptures exploring the linguistic roots of ‘Monday’meaning “day of the moon". Jung also examines notions about the moon, its phases and cycles and the parallel rhythms of female life.

Using fleeting and temporary forms, notably the natural phenomenon of morning dew, Jung examines uprooted-ness and lossthrough a profoundly poetic lens.

In advance of this exhibition, during a performance at Luton’s Mall in April, Jung bartered sculptures made from harvested morning dew for stories and experiences shared by passers-by. Jung uses these stories as inspiration for a series of new works on paper, recording thetransactions between the artist and her “customers”. An illustrated booklet inspired by this exchange will be given away to visitors at the closing event on Saturday 13 July.

Location: 64 Bute Street, Luton, LU1 2EY

Writing Workshop
Saturday 29 June 2019
Join Jeremy Akerman and Eileen Daly for a one-day workshop that will help equip you with the tools to write and provide guidance on editing. Further information can be found here

This free event has limited capacity. Booking is essential; please email gallery@departure-lounge.org.uk to reserve your place.

Monday Morning is generously funded by Arts Council England and Revoluton Arts. It is organised by Departure Lounge and supported by Luton Culture.

Monday Morning | Press Release


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Departure Lounge Contemporary Art
Community Interest Company
Registered company no. 12578844