Code of Conduct

We ask you to respect and adhere to the following values when entering our spaces, whether physical or digital:

  • Language, which is discriminatory, racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic or in any way offensive or abusive will not be tolerated.

  • Be conscious of your actions and ask for consent. Unwarranted touching or invasion of personal boundaries will not be accepted.

  • Not all disabilities are visible, and we ask you to be mindful of this.

  • Respect other people’s pronouns. Ask people how they would like to be addressed if you are unsure.

  • Check your privilege. Be mindful of societal hierarchies and how they affect the ways in which you are able to occupy a space.

  • Please ask permission before photographing visitors within our spaces.


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Departure Lounge Contemporary Art
Community Interest Company
Registered company no. 12578844